
Rice University

2019 - 2023

BA in Computer Science and Astronomy


Associate Consultant II, Liferay

June 2023 - December 2023

Create tailored digital solutions using the Liferay platform.

  • Java
  • MySQL
  • Jira
  • Gradle

Software Engineering Intern, Liferay

May 2022 - August 2022

Collaborate with an existing team to build a customer's internal portal.

  • Java
  • MySQL
  • Cron Jobs
  • Jira
  • Gradle

Undergraduate Researcher, Zhu Group Soft Robotics with AzoLCEs Project

May 2021 - May 2022

Train and test inverse kinematics models for a soft robot using calibration image data.

  • Python
  • Keras
  • Inverse Kinematics



December 2023 - Present

Discord bot running as a service on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.

Classifying Type I and Type II Supernovae Photometrically

April - May 2023

Classifying supernovae using instrumental magnitudes from the Hα, V, and R filters at the 0.8 meter telescope at McDonald Observatory.

Simulating the Kirkwood Gaps

December 2022

Modeling the evolution of the Kirkwood gaps over 3.5 million years of gravity driven evolution in an N-body simulation.

Baldur's Ballers at HackRice 12 🏆

September 2022

Hackathon project that optimally connects employees and work tickets.

Snack Rice at HackRice 11 🏆

September 2021

Hackathon project that collects daily dorm servery menus, reviews, and recommendations.

Blue-Light Emergency Phones and Their Effectiveness at Rice University

December 2019

Analyzing the effectiveness of emergency phones in reducing crime and increasing feelings of safety at Rice University.